Day 5..begining of the story

Day 5..begining of the story

Today was my day 5 of cycling. During last 3 days I had some cold and windy days. The weather news was broadcasting some rain and snow and blow but fortunately they were not totally true and I didn’t have much rain nor snow but I had enough cold and blow. Day third was a normal day with some little rain. Hellene has been navigating me and sending me weather news and letting me to know where to go and what to see. During last days I have been facing with my second time of running out of money but this time I already have the last ones experience and I am not worry at all. Tonight I spent my last 5$ fro having a room and tomorrow I will have no penny in my pocket.

Don’t worry when I post this article I already have got enough money and there is no place for being worry. I think I have written before that in China I decided to cycle 100km a day but cycle 6 days a week. I have almost 3500km to ride and I am also counting on visa extension as well. Anyway if I cycle 100km a day and have rest once a week I have just 2 weeks time to visit the country. China is a hard expedition fro me and winter time makes it much harder as well.

The third day as I wrote was a nice day and I didn’t have much rain which was so good. Exactly on km of 100 I saw some people sitting around the fire, they wave me hands and I passed by. But after about 300m I realized that it can be the place I am looking for, so I just u-turned and asked them to give me a shelter to put my tent. Again no words to communicate but Hellene came through my fone. She talked to them and they gave me an empty room in factory just a cross the road. I left my bike and stuff there and joint them to have some warmth near the fire. It was so good and rain began.

We couldn’t talk but we could understand each other a bit. They were such a friendly people and they offered me to have dinner with them.

After a while I went fro sleep but the dogs on the factory filed were a bit not friendly and I had some trouble getting out fro toilet, that’s why I had to wait till morning to go out to take pea.

The forth day was suspected as a snowy day and weather was likely fro having some snow. I was so happy to have that weather. It is more than 2 years I haven’t had snow and winter and Nepal was the last place I touched snow. I was very excited and happy and had forgotten that my money is going to be gone for next day. I dint want to think about that, I just want to enjoy and feel the joy of that cloudy day and cold. I cycled all the day till evening. I had still some money that I could survive for next couple of days but I wanted to send a text to Hellene and I found the text is not delivered. I thought my phone does not have enough credit so I stopped by a mobile shop and after some funny communication I could tell her what I am looking for and it took me half an hour to pop up my mobile, but the problem was not credit due to still I had some money and there was another reason. I considered it as a sign that I have to finish my money and being faced with not having money in my pocket, so in that night I decided to get a room and spend some more money. I just want to finish my money.

So I just stopped by a very simple guest house which was located in a restaurant. People there were friendly and I was comfortable but having shower in such a cold night was something nice. The only problem was I had to take a shower just with a small buckle of hot water which was jjust nothing but I can learn how to use of every single drops of water.

Today which is the day fifth I started cycling 8:30am. I was feeling so good because I had a shower last night after 3 days and I was fresh. Oh gash still I have some Yuan( Chinese money ). I was planning to spend 1 hour in the internet today, so I cycled a bit faster and I reached to a big town called….I found an internet café and I spent an hour and half reading my emails and updating my website and also some little news.

I was a bit hungry, I liked to have some fast food. I stopped by a McDonald what I really hate of that but I was hungry and there was some desire fro fast foods. When I came out I had 50 Yuan and began to cycle again. as I told you before my plan is 100km and I stay exactly on 100-101 km so today I was a bit late and I had to cycle half an hour at dark to reach 100 and exactly at 100 was a guest house because I was passing a small town and no place fro camping. I stopped and asked them for the price. The guy told me 50 but I had just 40 in my pocket. I had to barge. I told him 30 and he smiled and said ok and he gave me a thumb up.I came inside and sat on the restaurant having my meals I had with myself wich was a simple noodle with some biscuits and then do some works on my pc. Now I am really tired but I like to use the advantage of having hot water and take a shower before I sleep.

It is somehow nice feeling when you don’t know what is going to happen and what GOD is going to bring you. I have just 10 Yuan equal 1.4$ in my pocket but I am not worry. Really I am not worry and actually I am so happy that there is no fear this time. Last time when I had no money I had fear and I was very worry but not now. I am comfortable and 100% sure that GOD will help me and something will happen. However I am ready to have some days not having food as well and I will cycle my 100km a day 6 days a week. Tomorrow is the day 6 and the day after I have rest.

24 Jan 2009

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Up to  January 14
Current location : Valdivia- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,650 km
Days on the road : 4056
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

January 14 
 I am here in valdivia since Friday evening. I almost finished cycling in Chile this time and only one part has left that I will do in febraury when the giant flies are gone. There are a giant black flies called Tabano in this area which kills you. They are really hard to take it. Now I am planning what to do and how to organize my coming months. A very challenging part of journey. 

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