After 2 years being in Iran and working on the Association, I am going to return to the road, where I am belong to. It has been quite a long time I stayed silent and was just waiting but not sitting. I came back to Iran to start our project in iran as a pilot project to learn how I can manage our work and how we can apply our idea into action.
It took me two years to learn about it and finally we came to an idea how to continue and I am done in iran.
I should go back to the road again. But my old bike is too old and cant be used anymore.
I ordered a frame to a Dutch company ( Republic Dutch ) but the owner didnt stay on his promis and gave me only a naked frame for 950 EUR ( the whole bike was going to be 1500 ).
I had a supper bad feeling about that frame and I didnt want to use it at all. But even that money was paid by few of my friends and because of that I could still like it.
To clean the dirty feeling from that frame, I decided to fill it with lots of love and nice feeling from my friends. So I decided to provide a list of gears I need and ask my friends to help me to provid ethem. Anyone who help me to have one pice will have his/her name on my bike and I will travel with them. That will be amazing and I will enjoy the bike.
below is a list of all gears i need and if you are interested to help, please let me know. I really appreciate it.