

[[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_original”,”fid”:”1207″,”attributes”:{“class”:”media-image”,”height”:”183″,”style”:”float: left; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 8px;”,”typeof”:”foaf:Image”,”width”:”300″}}]]I took a bus to KL when I left Rick and I arrived to KL at night and by one over night bus I went to Alor star which is a city 50km far from the border.I arrived there by 4 in the morning and I was too sleepy,so I went to a petrol station and just I lied my mattress on the flor near a 24 hours shop in station and just I slept there and my bicycle and all the stuffs where ready do move.about 7:30 I woke up by sound of cars and for sure I was looking for a place to eat and then I went to city to have a short look on Alorstar which is very small but beautiful city.

So I left the town about 11am and just I cycled ahead to the border and about 1:30pm I left Malaysia after about 50 days…


[[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_original”,”fid”:”1207″,”attributes”:{“alt”:””,”class”:”media-image”,”height”:”183″,”style”:”float: left; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 8px;”,”typeof”:”foaf:Image”,”width”:”300″}}]]I took a bus to KL when I left Rick and I arrived to KL at night and by one over night bus I went to Alor star which is a city 50km far from the border.I arrived there by 4 in the morning and I was too sleepy,so I went to a petrol station and just I lied my mattress on the flor near a 24 hours shop in station and just I slept there and my bicycle and all the stuffs where ready do move.about 7:30 I woke up by sound of cars and for sure I was looking for a place to eat and then I went to city to have a short look on Alorstar which is very small but beautiful city.

So I left the town about 11am and just I cycled ahead to the border and about 1:30pm I left Malaysia after about 50 days.after doing in customer check point I was in Thailand and regarding to my maps I got a road which leaded me directly to the south west coast line in Thailand and the road was a short cut.I have to mention that I have 3 nice maps for Thailand and all of them mentioned that I got the road and just I was enjoying very nice and beautiful road,but after 25km I found that the road is not finished and I had no choise except coming back and cycling along the road no4.I had cycled about 120km and I was reallt tired and in the other hand it was evening and sky was getting first I decided to bike all the way to Hat tay which was about 40km but just after 5km I found a very nice house and I asked the people there to let me put my tent and they kindly accepted it.they couldnt speek English at all and just we could talk with signs and it was too funny communication with after that I realised that in this area no body can speek English and even after that till now just I could find one lady in my hotel who can speek English and is too defficult to ask people address or …the language is very different and I cant undrestand any word,

I hope in future this problem solve and I think it should be due to in the other area there is many many tourists and people can communicate with them.howeve I slept there and we talked alot through signs with the family and their friends and a day after by early morning I left there ahead to Phatthalung ,a long day whit about 140km cycling.but as you see the pistures in my gallery this area is very green and nice and really cyclimng here is joyful and it make me fresh.just I stayed somewhere about 2pm to have rest and also wait for weather to become a little bit cooler for 2 hours and it was best time to go to internet caffe and hang with internet.then again I cycled to the north and just about 6pm I arrived to Phatthalung.I came directly to the beach and I took a room in a very nice place which is full od lutus around the room and sorounded with water.

After 2 days hard cycling it was great to have a good place and rest and just today I was relaxing and also I wanted to plant a tree here and I done now it is about 6pm and after I finish this article I want to go to internet caffe to update my websuite and then start to clean and fix my bicycle and collecting stuff to get ready for tomorrow morning to leave.

1 June 2007


وقتي از ريک جدا شدم با اتوبوسي راهي کوالالامپور شدم،‌ شب بود که به کوالالامپور رسيدم و با اتوبوس يک نيمه‌شب راهي شدم،من به آلورستاررفتم شهري که پنجاه کيلومتر تا مرز فاصله داره. ساعت چهار صبح رسيدم و بسيار خواب‌آلود بودم،‌ به يک پمپ بنزين رفتم و زيرانداز رو نزديک يک مغازه شبانه‌روزي انداختم و فورا به خواب رفتم، دوچرخه و بقيه وسايل همه آماده حرکت بودند. ساعت هفت و نيم صبح با صداي ماشين‌ها بيدار شدم و اول به دنبال جايي رفتم که بتونم چيزي بخورم و بعد گشت کوتاهي در شهرداشتم آلورستار شهري بسيار کوچک، اما زيباست. حدوداي ساعت يازده صبح شهر را ترک کردم و به سمت مرز شروع به‌رکاب‌زدن کردم. ساعت يک و نيم بود که مالزي را بعد از پنجاه روز ترک کردم. بعد از عبور از مراحل گمرکي با اتکا به نقشه‌ام، جاده‌اي را انتخاب کردم که که با طي مسيري کوتاه مرا به کناره‌هاي جنوب‌غربي تايلند مي رساند. سه تا نقشه داشتم و هر سه چنين مسيري را تاييد مي‌کرد،‌ اما بعد از بيست‌وپنج کيلومتر ديديم که به نظر پايان ندارد و چاره‌اي جز برگشت نداشتم. صدو بيست کيلومتر رکاب زده بودم و واقعا احساس خستگي مي‌کردم، غروب شده بود و هوا هم داشت تاريک مي‌شدتصميم گرفتم چهل کيلومتري که تا هت تی فاصله بود را رکاب بزنم اما بعد از پنج کيلومتر يک خانه بسيار دلپذير ديدم و از صاحبخانه پرسيدم اجازه هست من اينجا چادر بزنم که آنها بسيار مهربان پاسخگويم بودند. اصلا انگليسي نمي‌توانستند صحبت کنند و ما با ايما و اشاره با هم صحبت مي کرديم که به نوعي ارتباط جالبي بود. بعد متوجه شدم که در آن ناحيه هيچ کس انگليسي بلد نيست و نا بحال تنها يک خانمي را در هتل ديدم که انگليسي بلد بود. آدرس پرسيدن به همين دليل بسيار سخت است، زبانشان بسيار متفاوت است و من حتي کلمه‌اي از آن را متوجه نمي‌شوم. اميدوارم در آينده اين مشکلات حل شود. با همان زبان اشاره ما کلي با هم صحبت کرديم و روز بعد، صبح زود آنجا را به قصد پاتاهالانگ ترک کردم، يک روز طولاني با صدو چهل کيلومتر رکاب زدن. هم‌چنان که در آلبوم عکسها مي بينيد اين منطقه فوق‌العاده سرسبز و زيباست و دوچرخه‌سواري در اين مکان بسيار فرحبخش است و انسان را زنده مي‌کند. حدوداي ساعت دو عصر بود که ديدم بهتر است استراحتي دوساعته داشته باشم و هوا هم يک مقدار خنک‌تر شود، پس بهترين زمان بود براي اينکه سراغ اينترنت بروم. سپس دوباره به سمت شمال راه افتادم و شش عصر به پاتاهالانگ رسيدم. مستقيما به ساحل رفتم و اتاقي در يک جاي بسيار دوست‌داشتني با گلهاي نیلوفر در اطرافش که با آب احاطه شده بودند، گرفتم. بعد از دوروز رکاب زدن استراحت در يک‌جاي مناسب بسيار خوشايند بود. بايد درختي مي‌کاشتم و اين کار را انجام دادم. ساعت شش عصر است و بعد از اتمام اين مطلب سراغ اينترنت مي‌روم که سايت را به‌روز کنم و بعد بايد دستي به سر وروي دوچرخه بکشم و يک سري وسايل تهيه کنم که فردا صبح براي حرکت آماده باشم

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Up to  January 14
Current location : Valdivia- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,650 km
Days on the road : 4056
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

January 14 
 I am here in valdivia since Friday evening. I almost finished cycling in Chile this time and only one part has left that I will do in febraury when the giant flies are gone. There are a giant black flies called Tabano in this area which kills you. They are really hard to take it. Now I am planning what to do and how to organize my coming months. A very challenging part of journey. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross