Planting tree in Khalsa college

Planting tree in Khalsa college

Friday 13Jan07 after eating breakfast with Benno we seperated and I went to Khalsa collage to plant a tree .I had appointment at 9:30 but unfortunatly the director of agriculture of collage came about 10:30 and he wasted my time . after that he said wooow so great project and it is very important and we should be carful about trees and also the other man who was with him said the same ,he said that he is working for a system and they have so many volunteer and they can help me to plant tree in other city and so ….however I was loosing time and I ask them to plant tree in front of collage . they sais ok you can go and we will come .I did as they said but they never came .again they wasted one houre of my time and it was very strange for me and also impolite manner from someone with high degree in a famus collage laki that .however I asked some student to help me and with some helper we did . just I brought the plate with myself due to I said myself ,when they are not responsible about they word ,how they will be responsible about the plate and tree. ok I know that the way is defficult to get in right and til I find the best way to get effect I have to be patient and I shouldnt be disapiontment . however I left Amritsar about 12 and I biked ahead to pathankot in north and Himachal province .the road was wonderful , so beautiful . 2 line of tall trees in bouth sides of road made a shadow all the road which was morethan 100km.really it is defficult leaving this road .about 5 I was looking for a place to put my tent that a man invited me to his house and I accepted .duringbthe trip I accept every invitation due to I like to be close with people and learn about them .

They provided me very nice Indian food and also delicuse breakfast .here in India isnt like Iran and all the people make bread with themself and it is really defficult and most of time imposible finding some bread like Iran .when meal is serving someone are in kitchen and they are making bread and when you finish the bread they will bring you hot and freshone and it is very nice . today also I started biking about 9:20 due to befor that the weather is very cold and almost always the road is fogy .the beautiful road was not finish and just I was enjoing of road and landscape .

There is so many temple on the way and some time I stay there to take fotos and drinking a cup of tea .tonight I stayed in a temple , very smal temple on the road and again a man invited me to his house for dinner and now I am in temple and doing writing . very peaceful place and also this area is really peaceful and nice .

17 Jan 2007

مطالب جا افتاده

یک مطلبی که فراموش کردم براتون بنویسم اینه که تولاهور شب عید غدیر در خانه فرهنگ ایران جشنی برپابود واز اونجائی که همه جاباید دعوت باشم رفتم اونجا.قبل از اون بخاطر اینکه کفشام اذیتم میکرد وگاهی وقتا لازم بود پیاده روی کنم وبا این کفشها نمیتونستم بنابراین رفتم ویک جفت کفش خریدم وتوی راه وقتی برمیگشتم خونه کلاهمو یه موتور سوار دزدید درست مثل ولایت خودمون خلاصه شب بالباس شیک رفتم مهمونی ودیدم هیچکس تحویلم نمیگیره ومنهم دنبال یک راهی بودم برای مطرح شدن تااینکه مراسم ماست خوری شروع شد وبنده هم که مهارت خوبی در خوردن وامور وابسته به اون دارم باکمال میل شرکت کردم مخصوصا که جایزه اش نقدی بود وکاملا معلومه که اول شدم وهمون قدر که پول کفش داده بودم جایزه گرفتم ویک خاطره خوب هم برام موند.

طی صحبتی که با مدیر کالج خلسه کرده بودم قرار شد که اونجاهم درخت بکارم وبرای ساعت 5/9صبح قرار داشتیم .صبح که از بنو جدا شدم ورفتم اونجا دیدم هیچکس تحویلم نمیگیره وخیلی سرد برخورد میکنن

اولا که اونها یک ساعت دیرآمدند وخیلی بیتفاوت .اما من کم نیاوردم واز چند تا از دانشجوها خواستم تا به من کمک کنند وبه لطف خدا درخت اونجا هم کاشته شد وبعدش هم از شهر اومدم بیرون. خوب همیشه که نباید انتظار داشت که همه استقبال کنن وهنوز زمان زیادی لازمه تا بتونم این هرکت رو جا بندازم ونتیجه خوبی بگیرم.

به سمت شمال حرکت کردم وارد جاده ای شدم به طول 100 کیلومتر وبه شکل تونلی سبز چونکه دو طرف جاده یک ردیف درخت بود که شاخه هاشون در بالا به هم رسیده بودن و کاملا سایه درختها مسیرو پوشش میداد. هوا کاملا بهاریه فقط صبحها هوا سرد میشه وتا ساعت 10نمیشه جائی رو دید البته به خاطر مه زیاد وهر روز به همین صورته .اینجا خیلی دیر هوا روشن میشه وزود هم تاریک میشه و عملا زمان زیادی واسه دوچرخه سواری نیست ومن هم که دائما برای گرفتن عکس ویا گپ زدن با مردم توقف دارم حرکتم خیلی کنده دیشب وقتی دنبال جای مناسبی برای چادر زدن بودم با یک خوانواده ای برخوردم که منو به خونشون دعوت کردن وامروز هم واسه خوابیدن یه معبد پیدا کردم البته یه آقاهه بهم گفت که میتونم شبو اونجا بمونم وخودش هم برای شام وصبحانه فردا میاد دنبالم و خوشبختانه این معبد هم برق داشت ومن تونستم این گزارشو بنویسم

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross