This year we ( WE NEED TREES ASSOCIATION ) in Iran had 2 tree planting events.
The first one was with 800 people ( students ) and the second one was with 250 students.
I asked a friend of mine who is manager of Bamland Shopping center for support.
They provided sublings and in one of their gardens, we could plant over 250 trees.
Boys were so enthusiasted to plant more than one trees and some even planted 4-5 trees.
These boys still didnt passed our 8 sessions program but after spring holidays we are going to provide them with our educational program.
خیلی کار جذاب و زیبایی انجام می دیدعکس هایی که از کودکان در حال درخت کاری گرفتید به نظرم خیلی می تونه در فرهنگ درخت کاری کمک کنه
mohammad tajeran
sepasgozaram az lotfetoon