Having dinner with my people


Having dinner with my people

When I was in Wellington Celia the person who I was staying with her called one of the Iranian community in Wellington to let them know that I am there and make a contact with Iranian people there. After that Mr Moaveni called me and we had a lunch in Wellington museum which is called Te-Papa and we talked a lot about my journey, Iran and etc. just a night after that they made a party and some of my people gathered in a restaurant in Wellington to have dinner together and after that we went to the house of Mr Yassae who is the chef person of Iranian cultural society to have a tea. However tea was just an excuse and just we liked to spend more time together and reading some poems of Hafez. I was happy to be with my people and speak in Persian after a long time.

Thanks them all

25 April 2008

صرف شام در کنار هموطنانم

وقتی در ولینگتون ، پیش سلیا بودم ، او با یکی از انجمن های ایرانی تماس گرفت تا حضور من رو بهشون اطلاع بده و با ایرانی های اونجا ارتباط برقرار کنه. بعد از اون آقای معاونی با من تماس گرفتن و با هم دیگه ناهار رو در موزه شهر ولینگتون که تی- پاپا[i][1] نامیده می شود، خوردیم و کلی در مورد ایران ، سفر من و … صحبت کردیم. شب بعد اونها مهمونیی ترتیب دادن و تعدادی از هموطنانم در رستورانی در ولینگتون برای صرف شام دور هم جمع شدند و بعدش هم برای خوردن چای، رفتیم خونه آقای عیسایی که رئیس انجمن فرهنگی ایرانیان هستند. در واقع چای بهانه بود چون ما دوست داشتیم زمان بیشتری رو با هم باشیم و کمی هم شعر حافظ بخونیم. خوشحال بودم که بین هموطنانم هستم و می تونستم بعد از مدت زیادی فارسی صحبت کنم.

از همشون متشکرم

[i][1] )

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Up to  January 14
Current location : Valdivia- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,650 km
Days on the road : 4056
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

January 14 
 I am here in valdivia since Friday evening. I almost finished cycling in Chile this time and only one part has left that I will do in febraury when the giant flies are gone. There are a giant black flies called Tabano in this area which kills you. They are really hard to take it. Now I am planning what to do and how to organize my coming months. A very challenging part of journey. 

کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross