A feedback from one of the students in S Korea

Some days ago I recieved an email from a girl in Korea, where I had a workshop in one school in Daegu city.
I was so happy to read it and it made me decie to share it here with my friends who are following my journey. it can be a sample out of many who will be one of our planet green warriors.
I relied her email and I got one more email. you have her complete first email and a part of the second one here.
here is her email :

Hello! My name is Seoyeong Lee from Korea.
If you remember, I was in Sampyung middle school where you gave a speech to us.
I sat in the first row with my friends and paid attention to your speech.
I even asked you some questions like how did you take a picture of yourself? and after the speech was over, I asked you for your email and got the card.
It would be really great if you can remember me, but if you remember my school, that’s enough.

I actually graduated Sampyung middle school, and now I’m in high school.

 am not sure if you know this, but Korean school year starts in march so right now is when we have to adjust to new school life or to any changes from last year. 

Since I am going to different school from last year, I needed a lot of time getting used to this high school life.
I really wanted to send you an email right after I got the address , but I am sorry that I am sending it now.
Firstable, it was really great to meet you and hear from you.
I’m interested in nature, and environment. It was so amazing how we could be in the same place with internationally famous person like you.
And for me, your story about trees and environment was really interesting and amazing on what you have achieved.
What I want to do in the future is mainly about  conserving the environment and try to make the clean earth again.
I also think that people should live together with animals.
This days, I had many thoughts about zoo and I found out that all animals act different from wild animals.
I tried to read many books, and even went to zoo to observe animals. 

I found out that most zoo animals don’t move, and they all looked like “where am I?”.  

Polar bear, which I am most interested about, repeated walking from A point to B for more than an hour.
(I learned that po lar bears are very active and have a lot of energy)
I know that you are working on trees, but I wanted to hear how you started your project and how people gain interest on your project.
I want to work on sending zoo animals to wild successfully, and I really think the zoo has to be closed eventually.
I know that your busy working on your job, but it would be really honor for me if you just read this email.
I really hope that I didn’t take much of your time!
If you have any plans on visiting korea again or even when you are, I’m always happy to hear the news!
Sorry but some grammar errors, english is my second language 🙂
Thanks for reading the email and
hope everything will work out for you 😀  

Your Sincerely, 

Seoyeong Lee (from Korea)

And the second one :

One more thing I wanted to mention is about what you said, ‘well educated person can do better for the planet’.
I often thought that 

if what I want to do is preserving the planet and nature, maybe it is better to take actions and do something than learning school subjects at school.
And I always had sort of dilemma about it, and your email just made my decision.
After I read your email, I totally agreed with you and I am trying my best at my school and as a student 🙂
I think more educated person may come out with better solutions for everyone,
and may have more power when they need to raise awareness. 




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Up to  January 14
Current location : Valdivia- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,650 km
Days on the road : 4056
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

January 14 
 I am here in valdivia since Friday evening. I almost finished cycling in Chile this time and only one part has left that I will do in febraury when the giant flies are gone. There are a giant black flies called Tabano in this area which kills you. They are really hard to take it. Now I am planning what to do and how to organize my coming months. A very challenging part of journey. 

My Speech in TEDx
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International Committee of Red Cross