15 days of cycling through Turkey- part 3

Day 8
I rode that day all the way to Girsum.  Around midday I was looking for a spot to swim which I met 3 Iranian motor bike riders and we had lunch together.
That day I was looking for a rocky place to camp. Just after Girsum I found it and I camped there, where I could swim between rocks in the morning.

Day 9
After just 70km of cycling and around 4pm I was passing by a place called Yasun Kelise which means Jason church.
I went there to have a look and I found it amazing to camp there at the edge of cape. There was a light house too and I could have sunset and sunrise from the same point of my tent.
after I camped, I left everything inside the tent and I went to swim. It was amazing with some colorful fishes and lots of big boulders under water. I could swim between them and have so much fun there.
I was alone and after being alone for some days I was ready to start any conversation. I met a lade sitting there and looking at the sunset. I just made a tea to share and soon after we were kind of friend talking.
In 30 min she left as the sun was gone like everyone else who left the place and I was alone there.
I woke up before sunrise to have my coffee when I am looking at sun rising.
After I packed I felt that it is pity to leave without my last swim. So I jumped into the water again to swim for some little time and then I began to ride again.

Day 10
I rode another 48km along the sea and then I had to turn left to climb a mountain to cross and get into the main land.
The weather was fine even though under sunlight it was a bit hot but my rests stops were quite pleasant. So climbing again and keeping the hope to have a chance to meet local people more than when I was passing through sea side as it was a touristy area and of course is not so easy to have lots of communication with locals.
I met 2 Australian cyclist who were cycling down toward the coast and I was feeling envy as they had 30km just down hill !!!
Around 2pm I stopped to have a little rest and a man who was just passing by asked me if I have eaten or not? I had not by that time and he kindly invited me to his house to have lunch with them.
It was so cool and I was happy too.
In a while I left and he showed me the route which I should take to pass the mountains!! And it was long…
Around evening I was again searching for a place to camp and after I failed to find the place I wanted (because the people told me that I cant camp there…it was a roof top in an abundant house middle of nowhere.)
finally I reached to a little village and I asked people where I can camp? They told me I can do it in front of mosque but I didn’t because there were many dogs in the street which is not quite pleasant to have them around at night. So after I explained the agreed to put my tent in one of the roof top which was good enough?)
I had many of my cloths dirty and I had to wash them, also I needed myself to take shower too and again

Day 11 which was actually day 14th of cycling.
I took shower in toilet in the mosque and I washed my cloths in basin.
Next day was almost the end of my body power. I was too tired and I couldn’t cycle well but luckily I was almost at the end of climb but still nearly 20km up and down.
After that I had a nice lovely downhill but in the middle of downhill I saw a sign for a camping area. I was really tired and I didn’t want to go through a town. A town called Niksar was on my way and I could cycle till that city. So I decided to stop in that camping area to have a long rest and relax a bit.
before camping area I found a little forest and I just ignored the camp ground with all its lights and music …so I had a peaceful home there where I could have a nice sleep.
my cloths from last night were still wet and I had to dry them but while I was inside my tent relaxing rain suddenly started and I had to run to pick them.
It has been many times that I was thinking of people’s who were living 100 years ago. They had to work to survive. They had to think about rain, snow, and take care of their lives while raining. Always I was thinking how fortune they were to be able to work for their lives while today you don’t need of all those problems at all.
I love that kind of life and it makes me feel alive and natural.
While I was running to take care of my home and wet cloths, I began to smile and feel a deep sense of joy in my heart. I was in the nature and I had to work for my life and my home!! It was a moment I felt I am a piece of nature and so close to the nature.

Day 15

It was the day I actually finished my power and energy. I was planning still to cycle to Ankara but I could not and I thought that I am losing my time and I will be facing lack of time because I had limited time in Turkey.
by sudden I decided to take a bus to Ankara to save my time and cycle from there to Istanbul but I was in the middle of nowhere and I couldn’t find a bus. So I hitchhiked to a town called Amasya and then I took a bus to Ankara.
I arrived at midnight and Mustafa who is my Turkish friend picked me and took me to a nice hotel to rest.
in the morning after breakfast he came and picked me to take to his office and then I realized he is going to travel himself. So I had to find a place to stay and I went through some warmshowers profile. I called one of them and Evrin kindly accepted me to stay in her house for 2 nights.

In Ankara I did almost nothing. I needed enough rest and I was staying in a quiet place, so the first day I just slept whole day and the second one almost the same.
from the beginning I was planning to take a bus from Ankara to a town by Marmara sea and cycle to Istanbul from there.  But just I went to meet a FB friend in Ankara and he told me about Capadokya.
on my way back home and when I was very close to home, I saw full moon raising. It was amazingly beautiful as always which always moves my heart.

in that moment I though what I am doing here? I should be out in the nature! I should sit somewhere in a rock and look at this beautiful moon!! The same time I say a little booth for a bus company in Turkey called Kamilkoch.
I went in and I asked a ticket for Nevsehir where I could go to Capadokya and I bought a ticket for the next day.
next day I was in the bus  heading to Nevsehir and I was so happy to be able finally to see Capadokya.

I arrived 5 pm and I cycled toward another little town called Goreme.
It rained few times and I had to wait, so I lost the day light.  Again it was dark and I was still searching for a camping spot.
I was passing a little old village that rain started again and I found an old abundant house and I went in! It was kind of mystery to be there at dark under rain !
As soon as rain stopped I began to move again to leave the village and I found a little dirt road and I followed.
At dark I found a place which was flat enough to pitch my tent and I had no idea where I am and what is around me.
I began to prepare my tent that again rain began heavily. In 2 min I was totally wet but I didn’t care. I was going to have my home ready, so never mind.
Finally I was inside and having my tea!! But too tired to cook and I just fell asleep,
It was around 2-3 am that I woke up and I looked outside. An amazing scene was in front me.  Fog was all over the village which was over a hill and reflection of all those colorful lights in fog had made amazing scenery. I couldn’t ignore it and I ran out to take some pictures.

In the morning it was cloudy and I was afraid if it rains again, so I didn’t get out my tent quite easily and I kept postponing packing my tent. I was inside and safe and I really didn’t want to get wet again.
after an hour I just packed and as soon as I packed weather got better. It recalled me again a very important law of nature : this is me who I have to put the first step out !! then nature will come along too.
Just 100m from my tent there was a walking path going down in a valley! I was not quite sure if I can go through with that heavy bike or not? But I just went and I found myself in the middle of heaven. It was amazingly beautiful with lots of winery and amazing mountains with their unique shapes.
It called :Love valley
After I spent few hours there I went through a little town called Goreme which is a very touristic little town and honestly nothing to do for me, especially when I am alone. So I just left and I went through Chimneys out of the city.
I knew about hot air balloons and I was going to set my tent somewhere I could watch them in the morning. So I had to climb a hill with that heavy bike.
It took me over 2 hours to find the proper location but it was HARD to take that bike up to those hills and of course it worth it.
in the evening when everyone left the area for those little touristic towns I was there alone just by myself, moon and nature. Real life began for me and purity of nature was shining on my heart. I sat at the edge of hill to sip my tea and watch the moonrise.
I was going to eat and I saw how much food I bought in supermarket while I really didn’t need that much! At first I felt a bit bad to have so much food when I didn’t really need!! “Anyway there might be a reason though!” I thought…5 am and it was the time for those hot air balloons to start and a beautiful scene was going to be created! 

I was awake to get ready and set my camera and of course enjoying the beauty.
After sunrise I saw a Japanese sitting on the next hill watching the balloons, I called him and I invited him to have a tea! And we shared breakfast! Then I knew why I had so much food with me!
next day I had my ticket to Istanbul from Nevsehir and I had to cycle 25km before 9am. It means I had to pack before 7 which is not so pleasant. I am not an early morning guy even though I wake up an hour before sunrise! But I like to keep relax and have my breakfast and take my time. I don’t mind the heat!
I was passing through another village called Chavoshi which a guy called me. I stopped and I found he is Iranian and after an hour chatting he invited me to stay in his flat in Nevsehir which was so good as I was very close to the bus stop and also I could take shower.
After I spent all my day hanging around and visiting different places I went to Nevsehir and we spent our night together talking and in the next morning I took the bus to Gebze a little town near Istanbul where I was going to meet Fatma and leave my bike and stuff in his cousin’s house and stay there for a night.

21 September 2014 

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Up to  January 14
Current location : Valdivia- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,650 km
Days on the road : 4056
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

January 14 
 I am here in valdivia since Friday evening. I almost finished cycling in Chile this time and only one part has left that I will do in febraury when the giant flies are gone. There are a giant black flies called Tabano in this area which kills you. They are really hard to take it. Now I am planning what to do and how to organize my coming months. A very challenging part of journey. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross